a couterfeit crank looks like a tramp in robes pretanding to look homeless
Here are some: Palliard, Whipjack, Kintchin-Cos, Hooker, Swigman, Jarkman, Tinkard, Curtal, Queerbird, Jacks of the Clock-House...
it looked like a joke
a ship
Partly it was issued on paper with no real way to convert it to coin, partly it was easy to counterfeit.
Ben Hall looks like a person like every one else does!!!
A counterfeit crank is someone from the Tudor times who would pretend to have a epilepic fit so that other people woulf feel sorry for him. Basicly a beggar begging for atention. The counterfeit crank would eat soap so that he frothed from the mouth and writh around on the floor.
a dragon
there is none
it looks like your face
Perry Mason - 1957 The Case of the Counterfeit Crank 5-27 was released on: USA: 28 April 1962
a lizard looking thing
Crank bait look like a injuryed prey fish in the water.
its ur own type
crank shaft sensor or(ckp) is look like a simple sensor.its color is black.its lenth is two inches.GILL G
it looks like an idiot and has weird eyes. i hate it
An 1847 seated silver dollar = =