Tsaritsa. Czar (Tzar, Tsar) was equivalent to an emperor. "Upon annexing Crimea in 1783, Catherine the Great adopted the hellenicized title of "Tsaritsa of Tauric Chersonesos", rather than "Tsaritsa of the Crimea", as should have been expected." (2008, wikipedia) People commonly refer to Czarina as the female version, but this title is for the wife of a Czar. (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Czar) (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsaritsa)
Catherine the Great
The czar got shot in his house in the head
A czar (tsar or tzar) was the ruler of old Russia.
Rasputin healed the Czar's son's illness (hemophilia)
The word Czar is a common noun with a meaning equivalent to "Emperor" It is not a proper noun unless it is used as part of a phrase referencing a particular Czar, or is used in the sense meaning "the current Czar" in the same way one might write "the Queen" and be referencing Queen Elizabeth II.
A Tsarista If she was a female czar she would be a czarina. For a more detailed answer, look up "What do you call a female czar?" As czar, tzar and tsar are all equivilent of the same role.
Catherine the Great
"Czarina" is a term used to refer to the female counterpart or wife of a czar (emperor) in Russia. It is derived from the Russian word "tsaritsa." The title is typically used to denote the queen-like status of the female ruler in a monarchy.
Czar Alexander II. He abolished serfdom in 1861
Saint Petersburg
What do you call a female prince
we call the female goat as sheep
female turkey are call hens
I think you call a female deer a doe. A female goat is a nanny
A female snake.
In Chinese, we call a female bachelor as "Sheng Nv". Huh
You call a female fox a vixen.a female fox is called a vixen, a male is called a fox