heir means - to receive property or title on the death of another person.
what do you mean history ?? what do you mean history ??
what does history mean
Heir Apparent means that you are the next in line for the an inheritance, and that the birth of another heir cannot supersede your claim. You could use it in a sentence like this: He was the heir apparent to the throne. Read the book literally called "Heir Apparent" if you want a good story of a definition =)
If by highest you mean loudest, it was Hitler that has the highest recorded voice in history.
it means which state your in, or where you are.
"Heir to heir" in a will means that a person is designated as the beneficiary or inheritor of assets who, in turn, designates another person as their beneficiary or inheritor. It establishes a succession plan for the assets to pass from one designated person to another.
If you mean what does the name mean, the answer is King's Heir
"Heir" doesn`t exist in the German language. You might mean the word hier, which is "here" in English.
something that will wash and clean heir and body so is refresed.
Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus was the heir and nephew of Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar was not an emperor. His heir became Rome's first emperor. History knows him as Octavian or Augustus.
It means Heir.
first son or heir
Do you mean testator? If an heir receives a bequest, the testator is the person that gives the bequest to him/her.
The same as it means in real life, the heir is the next in line to something. In the context of the heir of Slytherin, it means someone from Slytherin's bloodline who had the same affinity for snakes.
Awsome stuff
Unfortunately this cannot be fully translated as the word Heir does not exist in German. The rest translates as: you have my