It means that as long as you are honest and forthright in your dealings with others, you should have no worries about these things coming back to bite you later. Kind of like paying your taxes. Simply saying when you can something done get done.
A democratic form of government was not part of Lenin's plan. Lenin never intended for the new government to be a democratic government, that is, open to all citizens. He believed that it was necessary to keep government in the hands of a small group of like-minded people so that the gains made by the revolution would not be lost. That meant that only members of the Bolshevik Party were going to be allowed to hold high offices in it and the Bolshevik, later Communist, Party would never lose control of the government no matter what the people of Russia wanted. Freedom to oppose his policies was not to be allowed either.
It was called the Treaty of Versailles which said, among many other things, that the German military was to be held to 100,000 men who could only keep order within the German territory. Germany was made to accept responsibility for all damage done during the war, although the Allies acknowledged that Germany would never be able to pay for all damage done. The Allies agreed to seek reparations for specific civilian damages only. Germany had to relinquish control over all of their foreign territories. Alsace-Lorraine territory was returned to France and a demilitarized zone was established along that border to allay France's fear of further German aggression. Polish territory was returned to Polish control.
To keep their balance.
Stalin's goals in eastern Europe were territorial control and a reconstruction of the nation. He wanted to keep the majority of the power and did so try by utilizing fear as his major device on the people.
This phrase means that as long as you act in a way that aligns with your morals and values, you have no reason to be afraid or worried about the consequences of your actions. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining integrity and doing what you believe is right.
Keep a Conscience - 2011 was released on: USA: 2011 (internet)
It means that as long as you are honest and forthright in your dealings with others, you should have no worries about these things coming back to bite you later. Kind of like paying your taxes. Simply saying when you can something done get done.
it means to just keep fighting through it and there will be some bumps on the way but dont stop till u do it and you will just never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game. It was said by Babe Ruth :) {das a guy}
Babe Ruth said this.
i just have a commit i have a sticker that says that on my wall
Babe Ruth once said "Never let the fear of striking out get in your way" Close to what you are looking for
This is because his conscience is killing him.
Keep clear of stand on boats
The quote on the diner wall in A Cinderella Story is "Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game." It is a motivating message for the main character, Sam, encouraging her to take risks and pursue her dreams.
You have to learn to face the fear. Just keep facing the fear, little by little, then you will eventually get over it.
To keep away from, keep clear,