

Best Answer

It is when someone hakes into your account for e.g facebook or msn, protending to be you

It is when someone hakes into your account for e.g facebook or msn, protending to be you

Masquerade means to hide something unpleasant or that you dont want known. A masquerade mask is therfor a mask of disguise, to conceal ones true identity.

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Q: What does masquerade mask mean?
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What was the masquerade used for?

it depends. a ball or a mask...

What year was the first masquerade mask made in?

=the first mask was made 10000BC=

Which is the standard in a Mardi Gras costume?

The masquerade mask

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It is called a masquerade.

What is the theme of you wear the mask?

masquerade and your STUPID for not knowing the answer

What are mardi gras mask called?

masquerade masks

When where masquerade masks first invented?

The Masquerade mask was invented to were at balls in the 13th century when it then became a tradition.

What is a masquerade mask used for?

To hide your pimples or your eyes if there crooked.

Does Debbie have any hobbies?

her hobbies is collecting masquerade mask

Can you play bratz masquerade without a mask?

yes you can just print a pic of a mask then go to

Did colonial women wear a mask to a ball?

Only to a masquerade ball.

How do you wear a masquerade mask if you wear glasses and do not have contacts?

Find a cool way to incorporate your glasses into the mask and work it!