Prejudice: Hatred towards a race, group, or religion
Discrimination: Unfair treatment of a race, group, or religion
Every single ethnic, religious, racial, and sexual minority in the world has been a victim of prejudice or discrimination at some point in history.
De facto discrimination
artistic achievement would help end prejudice
The United States used a lot of discrimination in how they treated slaves until the civil war.
not yesterday the day before
Well prejudice means judging someone before you even get to know him/her and discrimination means saying names about that person, teasing him/her weather he is black or white or just different.
what can you do to stop prejudice and discrimination?
Prejudice refers to preconceived negative attitudes or beliefs about a group of people. Discrimination, on the other hand, involves actual unfair treatment or behavior towards individuals based on their membership in a particular group. Prejudice is a mindset, while discrimination is an action.
It was blatant discrimination based on prejudice.
Discrimination and prejudice are related but not exact synonyms. Prejudice refers to preconceived opinions or attitudes, while discrimination involves the unfair or unequal treatment of individuals based on those prejudices. Discrimination typically involves actions or behaviors that disadvantage certain groups or individuals.
Discrimination is generally considered worse than prejudice because it involves harmful actions or behaviors towards a person or group based on their perceived characteristics. Prejudice is a preconceived opinion that is not necessarily acted upon, while discrimination actively marginalizes or oppresses individuals. Discrimination can have tangible negative impacts on people's lives, whereas prejudice is more about attitudes or beliefs.
Hi, another word for discrimination can be harassment or perjudices.
Until the late 1920s, there was widespread discrimination against blacks by Harlem landlords. It takes discrimination to tell the difference between a good wine and one that is just expensive. Discrimination between fuchsia and purple is easy, but my boyfriend thinks they're both 'pinkish.'
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racial prejudice is prejudging someone because of their race. discrimination is acting on the prejudgement.
Discrimination and prejudice.
The suffix "ism" denotes discrimination or prejudice against a particular group. Sexism is prejudice or discrimination based on someone's sex or gender, typically affecting women.