Bartolomeu Dias. Portuguese explorer who in 1488 led the first expedition to sail around the southern tip of Africa from the Atlantic and sight the Indian Ocean.
Nothing. Dias`s crew gave up on him and he could not reach Asia. he reached the southern tip of Africa only.
The land of Europe and Asia together is sometimes called
Portugal did. Bartolomeu Dias was one of the first too.
Describe the conditions Europe and Asia faced following WW2
pie exists!
He never got to Asia.
Silks and perfume
Bartolomeu Dias explored the southern tip of Africa in the late 15th century. He was the first European to sail around the Cape of Good Hope, opening up a sea route from Europe to Asia.
Bartolomeu Dias represented Portugal. He was a Portuguese explorer who sailed around the southern tip of Africa, known as the Cape of Good Hope, in 1488. This voyage opened up a sea route from Europe to Asia.
Asia and china
Bartolomeu Dias's long-term impact was significant as he proved that it was possible to sail from Europe to Asia by going around the southern tip of Africa. This discovery opened up new trade routes and paved the way for future explorers to establish direct sea routes to Asia.
Bartolomeu Dias sailed around Africa hoping to reach Asia. However, before he could get to Asia, his crew forced him to turn back. Vasco da Gama later became the first European to reach Asia by water.
Bartolomeu Dias was searching for a sea route to Asia by sailing around the southern tip of Africa.
Bartolomeu Dias is remembered for being the first European explorer to round the Cape of Good Hope in 1488, opening up the sea route from Europe to Asia. His voyage paved the way for future explorers like Vasco da Gama and changed the course of world history by connecting Europe with the lucrative spice trade of the East.
Bartolomeu Dias explored the southern tip of Africa, specifically what is now known as the Cape of Good Hope in modern-day South Africa. His exploration opened up the sea route from Europe to Asia via the southern tip of Africa.