If this is for study island, the answer is monarchy.
they had democratic governments.
the Royal colony
they set up a communist party
authoritarian governments
The type of government for France is a semi-presidential system. The President shares executive power with the Prime Minister.
Frances government
Frances McColl has written: 'Ebenezer McColl, \\' -- subject(s): Biography, Canada, Government relations, Indian agents, Indians of North America
it was basically just a parliamentary democracy
Mary Frances Kerr Donaldson has written: 'Caswell County, 1777-1877' -- subject(s): Indexes, Politics and government, Sources
The type of government you are inquiring about is the republic.The type of government you are inquiring about is the republic.The type of government you are inquiring about is the republic.The type of government you are inquiring about is the republic.The type of government you are inquiring about is the republic.The type of government you are inquiring about is the republic.The type of government you are inquiring about is the republic.The type of government you are inquiring about is the republic.The type of government you are inquiring about is the republic.
Mary Frances Neff has written: 'Chancellery secretaries in Venetian politics and society, 1480-1533' -- subject(s): Politics and government, History, Secretaries
the type of government for Honduras is democratic.the type of government for Honduras is democratic.
Mary Frances Sandars has written: 'The life and times of Queen Adelaide' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Biography, Court and courtiers, History, Politics and government, Queens
Arentinas type of government is PUBLIC
what is ithacas government type
Frances' performance, or Frances's performance.