the french plague was when a ship from syria,africas crew had la peste and came to marseille,France to deliver goods.the captian told people about the crew but the merchants wanted it so bad they paid and less than a few days panice broke out.people built walls around them to keep away the disease.there where so many dead bodys and so litttle slaves,and soon there where to many corpses they left them where they fell with over a thousands corpses lying in piles and scattered along the city.50,000 of the population of 90,000 died.the song ring around the rosie was written in its honor.
Yes, the Bubonic plague whad hit an epidemic before 1564 and was winding down by 1616.
many revolts followed plague. It changed it socially and economically.
With contagious infections, it is impossible to trace to "Patient Zero", the very first patient to get the infection.
Kent County Council after the black plague
not verry clean
the french caught the plague in 2009
It could be the Doctor Rieux in Albert Camus' novel 'la peste' (the plague).
It was the start of the fall of monarchy
The Plague by Albert Camus was originally published in French as La Peste in 1947 and was translatedby Gilbert as The Plague in 1948. The first American edition of the novel was published by Knopf in 1948.
to men discovered the plague a Japanese man from hong kong named Shibasaburo Kitasatoand another man who was french named Alexander Yersin.
"J'adore cette plage."
The poisoning of French Troops that had contracted Bubonic Plague in Egypt was evil.
Now a days, the plague is treated with antibiotics but back then science didn't have these medicines. A young french doctor survived the plague by draining the bubes and aplying hot rods. He survived so this technique was spread trough Europe and save many lives.
The plague started in 1665 in the hot sticky weeks of September. It all started when a french tradesman was sailing over to Asia to trade his stolen products for gold and goods. Because this french man lived his life as a filthy slob, he attracted rats, which carried fleas full of the virus, the plague... When he arrived the rats spread out all over Asia spreading the disease. the plague then travelled across many countries such as Europe and Russia, when trade and wars become necessary. London suffered the worst after over 100,000 people died!
a plague of frogsthe great plague of eyam
The French thought of themselves as being better than everyone else in the 1600's. The population had a hard time recovering from the plague and the French people did their best to be polite, to the point of being snobby.
The black plague. The plague was transferred by rats.