In medieval Europe a peasant would sleep on a simple mattress filled with straw.
Medieval period - absolutley disgusting. people hardly ever had a bath but i guess their clothes was pretty cool 9 the upper clases not the peasants!)
They did farming if they lived in a village By definition Peasants work the land. They are agricultural labourers.Answer :In addition to agricultural work peasants were used for any unskilled manual labour. This would include the digging of ditches, building of roads, cutting wood and, in time of war, acting as shock troops.
Trade stimulated the growth of towns and cities, and produced many jobs in manufacturing, commerce, banking, and transportation. All of these made it possible for peasants to try to be more prosperous off the farms. This meant that there was a more or less steady movement of serfs away from the manors. When disasters such as the Black Death made things difficult for people, the demand for peasants reversed the trend among them to move to cities for a while, but it also undermined the feudal system further, and did not last very long.
peasants were paid three chickens a year
What work did the peasants do in medieval times
The relationship between the knight and his peasants is the manorial system.
Never. That is what peasants were for.
The SERFS, followed by the peasants.
If they had any coins at all (there was no paper money) medieval peasants would have the coins of the realm in which they lived. There were many different realms in medieval Europe.
they farmed land
Medieval lords got their food from the peasants
knights and peasants
One thing you could bet with assurance is that medieval peasants did not have tea. For supper, they probably had porridge or stew and bread.