They did farming if they lived in a village By definition Peasants work the land. They are agricultural labourers.
Answer :
In addition to agricultural work peasants were used for any unskilled manual labour. This would include the digging of ditches, building of roads, cutting wood and, in time of war, acting as shock troops.
In medieval Europe a peasant would sleep on a simple mattress filled with straw.
they did farming reaping and ............................................... lots of other weird things
Medieval period - absolutley disgusting. people hardly ever had a bath but i guess their clothes was pretty cool 9 the upper clases not the peasants!)
Nothing. They lived poorly, paid high taxes, were usually cold, and didn't have enough money for good food or clothing.
A messor was the village official responsible for the work done in the fields.
What work did the peasants do in medieval times
Never. That is what peasants were for.
If they were peasants they worked for a lord
Their entire lives.
Medieval peasants worked all day.
Peasants in the medieval era typically worked around 6 days a week, with Sundays off for rest and religious observance.
Many medieval peasants starved. However, during the medieval era the church served as a large social organization. It would have tried to feed the starving masses and move them to a different area where there was food and work.
In medieval times peasants would farm the land, as well as do general repair work and labor work. Everyone would fetch water, as there was no running water.
The relationship between the knight and his peasants is the manorial system.
Yes, the peasants in medieval England spoke the English language.
The SERFS, followed by the peasants.
If they had any coins at all (there was no paper money) medieval peasants would have the coins of the realm in which they lived. There were many different realms in medieval Europe.