Is a type of a goverment where people get togeather and vote for the leader.
democracy (of the people, by the people, for the people...)
Democracy made it possible for different people to air their views and be considered. Democracy has ensured that more Europeans participate in issues of governance and economy.
what cultural movement influenced the development of democracy in America?
it inherited democracy, democracy originated in greece.
Men over the age of 60 could vote in Athenian democracy.
The United States of America has been a representational democracy since its birth in 1776. A representational democracy is defined as a democracy in which the people elect representatives to make decisions as opposed to a direct democracy(as seen in Ancient Greece), in which the population is small enough that everyone who is qualified to vote can vote on every topic that arises.
representational democracy
Both are types of democracy. A republic is a representational democracy, which is mutually exclusive with direct democracy.
Israel doesn't have an empire. It is a parliamentary Republic with representational democracy.
There is no monarchy in Colombia. It's a unitary constitutional parliamentary republic with representational democracy.
Yes. A representational democracy is a form of republic. "Democracy" means "rule by the people". "Republic" means "rule by elected officials". A representative democracy is both.
In ancient times, it was a monarchy. Today it's a parliamentary republic with representational democracy
Democracy means "rule by the people". Republic means "rule by elected officials". Since the officials in a republic are elected, it is a form of democracy. Not all democracies are republics (direct democracy is not), and not all "republics" are actually democracies ("Islamic republics", for example). The United States is a republic and representational democracy.
representational art
Washington meant the political life of the nation, that is, how well the nation operates as a representational democracy.
Democracy means "rule by the people". Republic means "rule by elected officials". Since the officials in a republic are elected, it is a form of democracy. Not all democracies are republics (direct democracy is not), and not all "republics" are actually democracies ("Islamic republics", for example). The United States is a republic and representational democracy.
South Africa is a democratically run country where free and fair elections are held to elect a government. Thus the government is elected by the people for the people and the government is not a one-party affair, but rather a multi-party parliament. The actual word democracy carries the same denotation (dictionary value) in South Africa as it does around the world.