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There were really 2 Boer wars. The first one was commonly called the Transvaal War and was shorter than the second (1880-1881)

The second one is more commonly known as the Boer War:

1. fought in 11th October 1899- 31st May 1902

2. It was between British Empire and the Boer republics of the South African Republic and the Orange Free State

3. A weapon used was the "pompom"

I'm sorry that's all I've got.. :(

hope I've helped...

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Have a look at the following free download RTF document for a lot of information about the Boer Volk

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Q: What is the Boer conflict?
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Locals were recruited and fought in both the first and second Boer Wars. In the second Boer War, Australia, Canada, and India also supplied troops. I am not, however, aware of any nation outside of the UK Commonwealth contributing troops to this conflict.

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