Mesopotamia was not a country. It was an is the region between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The first cultures that lived there definitely influnced every other culture, seeing as it was the place civilization began.
No, African culture is not particularly affectionate to other cultures.
Cultures around the world have been exposed to other cultures at a greater rate than ever before.
Ethnocentrism is the tendency to evaluate other cultures by the standards of one's own culture.
When one culture is considered inferior to another, it is referred to as cultural superiority or cultural hierarchy. This belief often leads to judgments and biases against the culture deemed inferior. It is important to recognize and challenge such notions to promote equality and respect for all cultures.
Ethnocentrism is perhaps the word you are searching for; the belief that one's own culture is the right one and other cultures are inferior.
The opposite of ethnocentrism is cultural relativism, which is the belief that all cultures have value and should be understood and judged based on their own standards and beliefs rather than comparing them to one's own culture.
Spartans viewed other Greeks as inferior and lacking in the rigorous training and discipline that they valued. They considered themselves to be the most courageous and skilled warriors in Greece.
cultural absolutism
cultural absolutism
The beliefs vary from one culture to another.
It adapted other belief systems to change for new cultures
cultural absolutism
cultural absolutism