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Some People don't think about writing it.

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Q: What is the connection of unwritten history to the written history?
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What is called the history not written down?

Oral Tradition is often referred to as history that has not been written down. Depending on the context, such as in cultural anthropology and archaeology classes, the term for history not written down can also be prehistory, assuming it covers a time period before there were written records. In still another context, such as when describing details of everyday life of past peoples, it can be called the unwritten history - because it was during the historic period, but was not considered significant enough for anyone to write down.

Is oral history written down?

Oral means spoken, so no. But it can be written down later, at which time it is written history, not oral history.

From a time before written history?

Before history was written down people passed down their history by telling stories.

Differences between oral history from oral tradition?

first we need to know what oral tradition is and what oral history means. oral tradition is the basic form of historical consciousness for societies in the period of their development, prior to the establishment of a written culture. it can also mean the preservation of personal and cultural history in the oral communication of stories, songs, poems, ballads and folklore. Oral history on the other hand, is the systematic collection of living people's testimony about themselves. However, there are differences between these two. oral tradition means the transmission of cultural material through vocal utterances, painting of the people, the myths of the origin of the people and such related unwritten conversation on salient issues concerning the people; while oral history is a written work of history based on interviews with or recording of participants.

What period in history where there were no written records?


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What is the relationship of unwritten history to the written history?

The relationship between unwritten history and written history is that written history came from unwritten history. History originally came from people passing down stories about what happened. There came a point in history where most important events got written down, but even today, some people still tell history orally.

What is the difference between unwritten history and written history?

History is the record of happen, events of good things or bad things of natural , political, social affair of human beings. Some History can write and some History can not write or mention as per situation. Unwritten history is not confirmed events. Written History is recorded in wiki.

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J. Clarence Stonebraker has written: 'The Unwritten South' -- subject(s): Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877), History

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UNwritten doctrine..

Do written and unwritten constitutions exist in reality?

unwritten constitution exists in

What is the antonym of written?

The antonym of "Written" Is "Unwritten"

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Are traditional aboriginal laws unwritten or written?

unwritten they pasted them down using dances and stories

Different between written and unwritten const?

The difference between written and unwritten consent is that one is actually written down on paper, and the other is an oral agreement.

What has the author George H H Lamb written?

George H. Lamb has written: 'The Unwritten History of Braddock's Field, Pennsylvania'

Is South African constitution written or unwritten?

no it is not.

What is the study of the unwritten past called?

The study of the unwritten past is called oral history. It involves collecting and interpreting historical information through interviews, personal accounts, and stories passed down through generations. Oral history provides valuable insights into events and perspectives that may not be captured in written records.