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The total death toll for the French Revolution is over 1,000,000.

This total includes all those killed in action during the Napoleonic Wars.

Napoleonic wars took a lot of more life. As an example in Aspern Napoleon lost 20 000 and Austrians 23 000. These are all victims of same cause. One miljon is bit low estimate.

Marquis Lafayette who played his parts in early stage of revolution said when Napoleon was gone: Three million french men had given his life for him. That is enough for one men.

The action losses are not at all the total death toll. Diseases among the armies were very present. The french terror in Spain took a lot of civilians too. le grand arme spread the culture of violence in whole Europe. And diseases too. Napoleon lost almost all his Armies. 450 000 army was lost only in campaign against Russia. 8000 were left He lost his Army in Egypt. Waterloo took 40 000 french. In Leipzig he had 214 000 men and losses were 194 000.

The revolution was more amateur in killing but we must remember things like the mutiny in royalist Vendee, 300 000 is the estimated death toll for it. Maybe the highest estimate is not relevant. The los of human life is.

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40,000 people died because of starvation and diseases

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According to records, 16,594 people were executed with the guillotine. It is possible that up to 40,000 people died in the terror phase.

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