Anybody who wants to - mostly Australians who want to celebrate the establishment of Australia, and its history. It tends to be a commemoration not so much of the First Fleet's arrival, but of all things Australian in general. There is much less fervor surrounding it than some other countries national days such as celebrated in the US.
Australia Day commemorates the arrival of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove in Port Jackson, New South Wales, on 26 January 1788. This was a significant date because it marked the beginning of European settlement in and colonisation of Australia. Therefore, Australia Day tends to be a celebration of what it means to be Australian. For the indigenous people of Australia, it represents the beginning of their displacement from their traditional homelands, the loss of their culture, their language, their traditions and, in some cases, their children.
There is no straightforward answer to this question.Australia Day commemorates the landing of the First Fleet and the arrival of the first European settlers in Australia.The first celebrations of the landing of the First Fleet were held in 1791, while Captain Arthur Phillip was still the Governor of New South Wales. By 1804, 26 January was referred to as First Landing Day or Foundation Day.On the 150th anniversary of the landing of the First Fleet, the Australian Natives' Association (referring to Australian-born people of European heritage, not the indigenous people) advocated celebrating 26 January as Australia Day every year. By 1935, the term "Australia Day" was used among all of Australia's states and territories to mark the anniversary of this first white settlement.
26 January was originally referred to as First Landing Day or Foundation Day.
not yesterday the day before
The First Fleet, consisting of British convicts and soldiers, arrived in Sydney on January 26th 1788. This day is commemorated each year as 'Australia Day.'
On Australia Day, many people plan a barbeque at the beach or at a park. It's a public holiday for most people, so the day is spent enjoying leisure activities.
The whole of the Australian population celebrate Australia day.
Not a thing. There is no special recognition for people born on Australia Day.
that passed already
There is no Waitangi Day equivalent in Australia. The British did not negotiate any sort of treaty with the indigenous people of Australia.
Many Aboriginal people in Australia see Australia day as the day when their lives were turned upside down by the invasion of the English and the introduction of European diseased that decimated their tribes and family's.
People participate in the polar plunge because they want to raise money for charitable organizations. In Canada, the event is held on New Year's Day.
Reaping Day.
Well, some do and some don't.
I think almost everybody
Australia Day represents "Invasion Day" for the indigenous people of Australia. For them, it represents the day white man invaded their peaceful way of life and set about to destroy their culture, albeit unwittingly at first. For the Aborigines "Australia Day" means the loss of their connection to the land, their spirituality and everything that was important to them.
Participate and have fun!