He was the first European to sail down the Mississippi River from the Great Lakes all the way to the Gulf of Mexico.To see his lovely wife.
Louis Joliet and Jacques Marquette never went as far as the Gulf of Mexico. Robert LaSalle explored the Gulf of Mexico.
To find the route to China. He discovered the Great Lakes, Illinois, and Mississippi.
the missipi river down to the gulf of mexico
The Spanish and French explorers used the Gulf of Mexico as an exploration route to get to Mexico and other parts of North America.
A Northwest passage to Asia. It is not “ golf” of Mexico, but Gulf.
La Salle
Robert La Salle was the first man to attempt and complete the journey to the gulf of Mexico from the Mississippi.
Robert La Salle :)
Robert La Salle
He is important for claiming the Mississippi river and the Gulf of Mexico.
Robert La Salle
La Salle was the first man to navigate the Mississippi River all the way through the gulf of Mexico.
Robert La Salle was the person who explored the entire Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico. He was sent to explore this region of North America by King Louis XIV. In 1682, La Salle named the Mississippi Basin Louisiana and claimed it for his country France.