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Q: What was found only in the Indus River Valley cities?
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What have we found out about life in the Indus River Valley civilIzation?

A technologically advanced urban lifestyle is clear in the Indus Valley Civilization

What might be found in an Indus River Valley document?


Where was India and first settlement?

The first settlements was found in the Indus River Valley

Who Mesopotamians traded with?

Mesopotamians traded with many. They traded with the Egyptians and the people of the Indus Valley River Civilization. Evidence of Mesopotamians trading with the people of the Indus Valley River Civilization are Indus seals being found in the ruins of Mesopotamia.

What is the loaction of the indus river valley civilization?

The Indus river valley civilization is located in the current day Pakistan and in Western Indian state of Gujarat. Important cities of Harappa and Mohen-jo-Daro are in Pakistan whereas the ancient city of Lothal which served as an important port has been found in Gujarat, India.

Who did Mesopotamians trade with?

Mesopotamians traded with many. They traded with the Egyptians and the people of the Indus Valley River Civilization. Evidence of Mesopotamians trading with the people of the Indus Valley River Civilization are Indus seals being found in the ruins of Mesopotamia.

In what ways were ancient cities in the Indus Valley advanced?

By analyisng and dating the ruins and artefacts which have been found there.

What are the 5 agricultural hearths?

The five agricultural hearths are believed to be the Fertile Crescent in the Middle East, the Nile River Valley in Egypt, the Indus River Valley in South Asia, the Yellow River Valley in China, and Mesoamerica in Mexico and Central America. These regions were where agriculture independently developed and spread to other parts of the world.

What did the indus valley civilization invent?

Indus valley towns had running water and sewage systems. The world's oldest port is found at Lothal, an Indus Valley city on the coast. The world's oldest agricultural field is found in an Indus Valley site. The Indus valley people had their own writing system, and pictures of this may be seen at 'Indus Script Dictionary' on Facebook.

How were planned cities of the Indus Valley different from the other early cities?

Planned cities of the Indus Valley had a grid layout with streets intersecting at right angles, advanced drainage systems, and standardized brick sizes for construction. These features were not found in other early cities of the same period.

What have we found out about life in the indus valley civilization?

A technologically advanced urban lifestyle is clear in the Indus Valley Civilization

How did the Indus valley civilization adapt to their environment?

they relied on the river for soil which lead to the growth of new crops. mountains did not protect them fully.