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Under the iron rule of Joseph Stalin, the Soviet people had to deal with the cruel Dictatorship that Stalin imposed on the USSR. His stated goals were to make the USSR a powerful and better nation for all. However, power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts. Stalin executed many people that he believed were not loyal communists. His collective production plans directed by government officials who had to toe the communist line, caused many economic problems in the USSR. The Siberian labor camps were filled with "enemies" of the people, so Stalin said. Many were against the lack of any sort of democracy. In the 20th century the two European dictators, Hitler and Stalin would vie for the title of worst & cruel men to ever lead a nation.

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10y ago

There are many people who believed that life was awful living under Joseph Stalin's Russia. Many people were afraid of him.

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16y ago

It was very bad you;d get killed for anything slightly wrong or out of order

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