24th October 1964
The area known as Zambia was discovered in 1852. The country was created later.
Big animals
GeorgiaClarification: Georgia, a part of the former Soviet Union, is an independent nation.
Southern Rhodesia.Zambia was Northern RhodesiaThe former name of Zambia is Northern Rhodesia. On 24 October 1964, the country gained independence from the United Kingdom and Zambia became its official name.
President Kenneth Kaunda was the first and former president.
Zambia is the newest name that I've heard.
Bemba is the name of one tribe in Zambia. -There are many tribes.
no it does not, it is just a district in the western province of zambia.
Edgar Lungu is the current president of Zambia. He was elected into office on January 25th, 2015 after the death of former president Micheal Sata. Edgar Lungu was born on November 11th, 1956 in the town of Ndola, Zambia. He is married to Esther Lungu and has 6 kids. He graduated from the University of Zambia, the largest university in Zambia. His current party is The Patriotic Front.
Geoffrey Mwamba is the Minister of Defense for Zambia.
24th October 1964
The Kwacha