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three reasons for the European Voyages of exploration in the 1400s and 1500s was 1.)to find a sea route to Asia,2.)DeBalboa led an expidition through the jungles of Panama and reached the Pacific Ocean in 1513,3.)in 1519;Portaguese sailor Ferdinand Megellan set out to reach Asia by sailing west around South America.

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13y ago

For many reasons the Europeans were perfectly poised in the late 15th century to undertake the voyages of discovery. Lengthy overland travel was nothing new, with such people as Marco Polo having penetrated as far as China in the 13th century. But other factors now came into play. STATE SPONSORSHIP What was novel about the 15th and 16th centuries was that the voyages were sponsored not only by the large trading companies but also for the first time by the state. It was therefore no longer an individual affair. Furthermore, the economies of the various evolving European states, especially along the Atlantic sea-board, were beginning to rise after the economic collapse of the 14th century. The new economic system of mercantilism was also pushing the emerging nations into seeking sources of precious metals so as to advance the manufacture of money. Europe's gold deposits were exhausted and Germany's silver mines were unable to meet the demands. Without money, there could be no real expansion of commerce. Bullion was not just wealth but was also the means to acquire further wealth. SPICES FOR DELICIOUS FOOD! Less taxes in trading routes New ideas in science like earth is not flat it is round.

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11y ago

The voyages where made to spread Christianity beyond Europe, expand their empires, and become rich.

Sources: Creating America book and My Great Brain ;)

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Q: What were the three reasons for the european voyages of exploration in the 1400 and the 1500?
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What were three reasons for the European voyages of explorations in the 1400s and 1500s?

three reasons for the European Voyages of exploration in the 1400s and 1500s was 1.)to find a sea route to Asia,2.)DeBalboa led an expidition through the jungles of Panama and reached the Pacific Ocean in 1513,3.)in 1519;Portaguese sailor Ferdinand Megellan set out to reach Asia by sailing west around South America.

What were the three reasons for exploration?

The three main reasons for exploration were to find new trade routes to Asia, to spread Christianity to new lands, and to acquire wealth and resources for European countries.

What was the three European nations to voyages of exploration?

There were a lot of European nations that explored starting in the late 15th century. The main three that had a direct effect on the United States were Spain, France, and England (Great Britain).

What three reasons for voyages of exploration?

1. To find new land to claim. 2. Discover new animals and plants. 3. Find treasures.

Identify 3 factors that led European nations to voyages of exploration?

The Age of Exploration began in the 15th century and continued in to the early 17th century. Three factors that drove this exploration were desire to spread their religion, desire for riches and desire to gain power over other countries.

What were three reasons of European exploration?

Economic motives: Europeans sought new trade routes and sources of valuable commodities like spices, silk, and gold. Religious motives: They aimed to spread Christianity to new regions and convert indigenous populations. Technological advancements: Developments in navigation, shipbuilding, and cartography enabled Europeans to undertake longer and more successful voyages of exploration.

What 3 factors influenced european exploration?

Three factors that influenced European exploration were the search for new trade routes to Asia, the desire for wealth and resources, and the spread of Christianity. These factors motivated explorers from countries like Portugal, Spain, England, and France to embark on daring voyages to new lands across the globe.

What were three reasons for voyages of exploration?

Three reasons for voyages of exploration were to find new trade routes to Asia, to spread Christianity to new lands, and to increase wealth and power for the sponsoring country.

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The three main reasons for European exploration of the New World were to find new trade routes to Asia, to spread Christianity to indigenous peoples, and to seek wealth and resources such as gold and silver.

What are 3 reason for exploration?

The three reasons for exploration were to get money, become famous, and spread Christianity.

What were three major events that lead to the Age of Exploration?

In the case of European exploration, they explored for "god, glory, and gold." They wanted to convert more people to Christianity, they wanted for explore and conquer new lands for their country, and they wanted gold.