The Spanish wanted to spread their religion, to find gold, and to get glory.
The Spanish and French explorers used the Gulf of Mexico as an exploration route to get to Mexico and other parts of North America.
In the 16th century, Spain dominated the exploration and exploitation of the Americas. The Spanish Empire was one of the largest empires in history.
Colonization and conquest by Spanish conquistadors during the Age of Exploration.
I'm not positive where it originated from but I do know that it became famous through the Portuguese and the Spanish through their exploration.
The three main reasons for Spanish exploration were to find new trade routes to Asia, to spread Christianity to indigenous populations, and to expand Spanish territories and influence in the Americas.
The three G's of exploration were God, Gold, and Glory. These motivations drove explorers to seek new lands, resources, and territories in the age of exploration. The desire to spread Christianity, acquire wealth, and achieve fame and prestige were key factors in driving exploration during this time.
To find new land
Gold, God & Glory
riches and compition
They were mainly in search of profit and knowledge.
The three "Gs" of exploration are gold, glory, and God. These three motivations have historically driven explorers to discover and colonize new lands. Gold represents the pursuit of wealth, glory symbolizes fame and recognition, and God signifies the desire to spread religion and convert people to Christianity.
exploration = exploración
The main motivations for Spanish exploration of the New World were the search for new trade routes to Asia, the desire for wealth through the discovery of precious metals, the spread of Christianity, and the expansion of Spanish power and influence. Additionally, competition with other European powers played a role in driving Spanish exploration.
the prvided the french and spanish with exploration routes to Mexico and other parts of America
The three G's in the Age of Exploration are God, Gold, and Glory. These were the primary motivations for European explorers during this period, with the desire to spread Christianity, acquire wealth through trade, and achieve fame and prestige through discovery and conquest.