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King Prasutagus died around the year 60 or 61 AD leaving his kingdom to his two daughters however the Caesar disregarded this and conquered the kingdom after a brief but spirited rebellion lead by Boadicea, his wife.

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King Prasutagus died around 60 or 61AD after being married to Queen Boudicca and having 2 daugters.

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Who was the husband of Queen Boudica?

Prasutagus was the husband of Boudica. For more information about King Prasutagus and Queen Boudica, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions and Related Links.

How did prasutagus die?

Prasutagus, the King of the Iceni tribe in ancient Britain, died in AD 60 or 61. The circumstances of his death are unclear, but it is believed that he may have been poisoned or died from natural causes. Following his death, his widow Boudica led a major uprising against the Roman occupation of Britain.

What happened when Prasutagus died in the roman times?

After Prasutagus' death his wife Boudicca rebelled against the Romans According to the ancient historian Tacitus, Boudicca was flogged and her daughters were raped when the Romans decided to take over her kingdom when Prasutagus, died. According to another ancient historian, Cassius Dio, Prasutagus had borrowed heavily from Roman financiers to finance his lavish lifestyle. When he died the creditors called in their loans and his subjects were liable for this large debt. The second story is more likely. Cassius Dio also said Seneca the Younger (the famous philosopher, dramatist and statesman) was among the creditors.

Did Boudicca have any siblings?

Yes, she had two daughters called Heanua and Lannosea. Little is known about them other than that they were raped by rogue Roman troops following the death of Boudicca's husband Prasutagus, who had been King of the powerful Iceni tribe and who had tried to ensure good relations with the Romans by making the then Roman Emperor, Nero, co-heir in his will. The Roman Governor of Britain, Gaius Paulinus, ignored this gesture and took advantage of Prasutagus's death to try and conquer the Iceni, imprisoning Boudicca, having her daughters sexually violated, killing or torturing many of the Iceni people, and siezing their land and assets. Both daughters took part in their mother's revolt against Roman rule, but committed suicide alongside her by drinking poison after the rebellion had been crushed.

How boudicca was captured if she was?

Boudicca was never captured, only imprisoned for a while by the treacherous Roman Governor of Britain Gaius Paulinus, following the death of Boudicca's husband King Prasutagus, ruler of the powerful Iceni tribe. Prasutagus had worked hard to build up good relations with the Roman occupiers, and sought to continue this goodwill by making the Roman Emperor Nero co-heir to his kingdom following his death. But Gaius Paulinus refused to honour the arrangement, imprisoning Boudicca, having her two daughters raped by rogue Roman troops, and siezing all the Iceni's land and assets. It was this that sparked the Boudiccan Revolt of 60 AD. Following the crushing of her rebellion the following year, both Boudicca and her daughters committed suicide by drinking poison rather than suffer the humiliation of being arrested and executed by the Roman authorities. Their burial place is unknown.

Related questions

Who was King Prasutagus queen?

who was Prasutagus

What is Boudiccas husband called?


Who was prasutagus wife?

Prasutagus's wife was the queen of the tribe iceni, Boudicca. They were the king and queen.

Who was married to Boudicca?

She was married to Prasutagus, ruler of the Iceni people of East Anglia

Who is Prasutagus's wife?

Boudica was his wife.

Who was the husband of Queen Boudica?

Prasutagus was the husband of Boudica. For more information about King Prasutagus and Queen Boudica, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions and Related Links.

Who was queen married to?

She was married to King Prasutagus.

Who was bodiccas husband?

Boudicca's husband was Prasutagus!!!!!!!!!!

Who was queen marry?

She was married to King Prasutagus.

When did Boudiccas husband die?

King Prasutagus died around 60-61 AD. Boudicca and her children were left to fend for themselves.

Who was Queen Boudicca Married to?

She was married to King Prasutagus.

Who was boudicca marrid to?

boudicca was married to Prasutagus, and Icenian king