There are three crosses:
The St. George's cross - the vertical, horizontal red cross.
The St. Andrew's cross - the diagonal white cross on blue field.
The St. Patrick's cross - the diagonal red cross.
No. The flag of Great Britain is made up of four flags - the English flag is called the cross of Saint George - it is a white background with a red cross on it. The cross is veritcal and horizontal.
The Union Jack - properly known as the Union Flag.
The St. Georges cross is the flag of England, one of the constituent parts of the United Kingdom Of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The Queen is not "Queen of England"; her title is somewhat more complex than that! The national flag of the UK is commonly called the Union Jack, but more correctly is the Union Flag. It is a composite of the cross of St George (England), the cross of St Andrew (Scotland) and the cross of St Patrick (Ireland). The Queen's personal flag is the Red & Yellow "Royal Standard".
St. George's Cross is the flag of England. It is a large red cross placed over a white background. It was named and created in honor of St. George, who was a patron saint in England.
It was a red cross on a flag given to England by the Pope in the 13th century, just basically symbolizing their freedom and independence. Its basically the flag of England, it could be religious too. English-Catholic I'm guessing.
Congress gives credit to Francis Hopkinson who designed the flag. The first flag was made for the navy in 1776 and it was a basic British flag with stripes. The second flag had stars where the British flag had a cross.
Do you mean the English flag or the British flag? The English flag is the St Georges cross ie a red addition cross on a white background. The British flag, properly called the Union Flag or sometimes the Union Jack, is an amalgam of the flags of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
The flag of the United Kingdom, also called the Union Flag (the term Union Jack is in popular use, but refers to the flag only when being flown at sea), consists of the cross of St. George, present on the English flag, the cross of St. Patrick, present on the flag of Northern Ireland, and the cross of St. Andrew, present on the flag of Scotland.
Congress gives credit to Francis Hopkinson who designed the flag. The first flag was made for the navy in 1776 and it was a basic British flag with stripes. The second flag had stars where the British flag had a cross.
Congress gives credit to Francis Hopkinson who designed the flag. The first flag was made for the navy in 1776 and it was a basic British flag with stripes. The second flag had stars where the British flag had a cross.
The red cross on white background is the Cross of St George, the flag of England. The white diagonal cross on blue background is the Cross of St Andrew, the flag of Scotland And the red diagonal cross on white background is the Cross of St Patrick, which represents Northern Ireland.
AnswerIf by "British flag" you mean the Union Flag (called the Union Jack when flown on a ship), the flag of the United Kingdom they are a combined version of the cross of St George, the cross of St Andrew and the cross of St Patrick.However before 1801, when the United Kingdom was formed, there was a version with just the English St George Cross and the Scottish St Andrew Cross. This could be said to be the British Flag.The red cross on the top represents the Cross of Saint George.The white cross on the bottom is the Cross of Saint Andrew.The red cross in the middle is the Cross of Saint Patrick.
She didn't make the flag. This is a story her grandson made up in 1870. Congress gives credit to Francis Hopkinson who designed the flag. The first flag was made for the navy in 1776 and it was a basic British flag with stripes. The second flag had stars where the British flag had a cross.
The cross on the flag from New Zealand is part of the British Union Jack. This is used to represent the country's British heritage. The stars on the flag represent the southern cross.
Congress gives credit to Francis Hopkinson who designed the flag. The first flag was made for the navy in 1776 and it was a basic British flag with stripes. The second flag had stars where the British flag had a cross.
She didn't make the flag. This is a story her grandson made up in 1870. Congress gives credit to Francis Hopkinson who designed the flag. The first flag was made for the navy in 1776 and it was a basic British flag with stripes. The second flag had stars where the British flag had a cross.
This is another American fable about our history. Ross did not make the flag nor did Washington design it. Her grandson made up the story and has come to us as truth. Congress gives credit to Francis Hopkinson who designed the first flag for the navy in 1776. It was a basic British Union flag with stripes and our second flag replaced the cross on the British flag with stars. The colors do not stand for anything contrary to the Boy Scout handbook.