ray Charles and Stevie Wonder had or have ( Wonder is still living) blindness.
Africans, eoropeans and the asians
like cargo.the white traders (who themselves physically packed them into the holds) would also rape the women and pack the victims in such a way that diseases spread. It was the WHITES who did this,not any Africans who participated in capturing people for them.The ONLY thing that Africans who participated with whites did was provide the abductions,that was the ONLY thing that whites DIDN"T DO. Saying "Africans sold other Africans" only goes so far.
the Europeans felt they were superior to the africans
paternalism effects Africans because we aren't giving them rights.
Ralpan Singh is a physically challenged people who is famous . He went to an accident that made him paralyzedd
helen keller,satish gujral, prasanta karmarkar
Lebanese Physically Handicapped Union was created in 1981.
Some famous physically handicapped Filipinos include Apolinario Mabini, a hero of the Philippine revolution who had polio, and Gerald Anderson, an actor who has a hearing impairment. These individuals have demonstrated resilience and achieved success despite their physical challenges.
Oscar Pistorious is one handicapped person who became a famous athlete. He competed in Paralympic competitions, and also competed in the 2012 Olympics.
Kill Them
Chris Harrison has written: 'Why me? why not?' -- subject(s): Handicapped, Biography 'I can, I will' -- subject(s): Biography, Spine, Physically handicapped, Nurses, Wounds and injuries, Physically handicapped women
P. H. Stringer has written: 'Housing for the disabled' -- subject(s): Housing, Physically handicapped, Architecture and the physically handicapped
Weikang Wang has written: 'Early sport socialization of elite Chinese disabled atheltes [i.e. athletes]' -- subject(s): Athletes, Physically handicapped, Psychological aspects, Psychological aspects of Sports for the physically handicapped, Psychology, Socialization, Sports for the physically handicapped
Rosemary Christine McDonald has written: 'The establishment of a provincial information and referral service for physically disabled people' -- subject(s): Physically handicapped, Libraries and the physically handicapped, Information services
Gini Laurie has written: 'Housing and home services for the disabled' -- subject(s): Housing for physically handicapped, Home care services, Architecture and the physically handicapped
Barbara Sterling has written: 'Aquatics for the handicapped' -- subject(s): Hydrotherapy, Rehabilitation, Physically handicapped children