The Cat the Rat and Lovell the dog ruled all England under the Hog. A dogerelll that went around under Richard 111 whose standard was a white boar. His friends Catesby, Ratcliffe and Francis Lovell were not liked by the people..
Yes, because you could actually use your rights under the articles of confederation but with bristish rule you couldnt. Like as in freedom of speech you may use it in the Usa but you couldnt under bristish rule, well at least not all the time
i only know of one rule that he introduced and that was all tobacco had to have tax!Modules OptionsHelpFeedbackTell A Friend
First of all it is the Prime Minister of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, not England, and he doesn't "rule" any countries. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is usually refered to as Great Britan, which is actually just made up of England, Scotland and Wales. Or as The United Kingdom (UK) The Republic of Ireland is not part of the UK, but Northern Ireland is.
These are modern India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Pakistan and Bangladesh did not exist at all under British rule, and Sri Lanka was known as Ceylon.
they both had to worck and they came for a better way of life
All of Arabia (the entire Arabian Peninsula) was under Islamic Rule in 750 C.E. and had been under Islamic Rule for over a century by that point.
Queen Elizabeth's occupation was to rule all of England.
Many small Countries and Canada Canada is not under British rule. It is independent. All territories still under British rule are very small.
all about estevan enslaved african
Queen Elizabeth's occupation was to rule all of England.
The united States
They enforced royal laws that helped people all over England receive equal treatment.
Hitler had plans to invade England. He needed France as a base to launch his aircraft. He had dreams of all of Europe being under the rule of the Third Reich.
Well, all Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Norway, Sweden) were all united at one point under the rule of Denmark.
Rasputin was believed to be influencing the Tsarina at all times.
It all depends how old they were when they became queen, and how old they are when they die.