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Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406)

"However, there is one major early historian of Africa in the best modern sense. This is Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406), who, if he were better known to western scholars, might well usurp Herodotus' title of 'the father of history.' Iban Khaldun was, of course, a North African, native of Tunis. Part of his work is concerned with Africa."

"The development of African historiography" by J.D. Fage 26-27

As far as African American history goes:

Years before there were any black history departments, Franklin was researching the stories of African-Americans. His interest in African American history began while he was a graduate student in the 1930s, and he published the book, From Slavery to Freedom: A History of Negro Americans in 1947.

Franklin was the first African-American to hold an endowed chair at Duke University, the first African-American chairman of the University of Chicago's history department and the first African-American president of the American Historical Association.

Franklin also contributed to pivotal events of the Civil Rights Movement; he worked with Thurgood Marshall's team of lawyers in the landmark desegregation case Brown v. Board of Education and he marched with Martin Luther King, Jr in a 1965 protest for voting rights in Montgomery, Alabama.

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Carter G. Woodson is considered the Father of African American History month. He was a historian and writer of African American origin.

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carter g.woodson was founder of black history month

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Carter G. Woodson .

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Martin Luther King

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carter woodson

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Martin Luther King

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Fredrick Douglas. every time.

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John carver

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Q: Who is called the Father of Black History?
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Who is father of Indian history?

Father of Indian History is Ibn Biruni. Ibn Biruni is the father of comparative religions too.

What does Black history mean?

Black history is the history of African Americans like: Harriet Tubman, Martin Luther King Jr. ect. A remembrance of important people and events of history of the African Diaspora.

What greek authors is considered the father of history?


What makes paul robeson important to black history?

he is important to black history month because he is a out spoken person to are USA place that is why.

Why did black history month started?

We celebrate black history month because we are celebrating all of the great things black men and woman have done. Many years ago, black people were overlooked. They were not in History books when they did great things that white people did. It was truly unfair so Carter G. Woodson decided to make Black History Month a thing so that they could have equil rights. Carter G. Woodson changed Black History just like many others such as Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela and many other great black human beings. Black History Month had given Black People the chance to finally be noticed and not overlooked. In the UK they celebrate Black History Month in October but in America they celebrate Black History Month in February. In October or February, people normally protest to stop racism once and for all. Black History Month wouldn't be the same if people didn't believe in them. We should always respect others, we should not care about looks but instead we should care about their personalities. George Floyd also made a big change in Black History when a shopkeeper said he payed 'fake money' but it was real money, George Floyd was just black and was treated wrong. Then an officer came and put his knee on his neck for no reason at all! If it was a white person on the other hand, they would of never gotten put down to the floor and had someone put their knee on their neck! This just shows how unfair people can be! This happened on May 25th. We must keep George Floyd and many others in our hearts and be greatful for all the amazing things that they have done for us. Rest In Peace George Floyd, Martin Luthor King Jr., Muhammad Ali and many many other great black people who changed History forever.

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Who was the father of Black history?

carter g woodson is the father of black history

The father of black history?

The father of black history Is Carter G. Woodson !

Who was the father of Negro History Week which is now called Black History Month?

The father of Negro History Week, which is now called Black History Month, was Carter G. Woodson. He established Negro History Week in 1926 to bring attention to the contributions and achievements of African Americans throughout history. The week was later expanded to a month-long celebration in 1976.

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Homer is not called the Father of History. Herodotus is called the Father of History (at least in the western world) because his history is the first to look for logical casues for the events he depicts.

Father of black history month?

Carter Woodson was the father of black I'm 11 and i know this stuff

What is Carter Woodson famous for?

carter woodson was named " The Father of Black History" and he started black history month

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It is the father of black history month maybe you can look up to see how is the father

Who was the father of black history month?

Carter G. Woodson

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There is no Black History week Jackass. It's called Black History Month and it was made to be in February

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her father is from venezuela, but he looks black, so he considered himself and was called black.