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Q: Who was the American explorer captured by Spanish troops in New Mexico?
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What did Jorge Farragut do in the American revolution?

he was a full blood spanish man he helped council and he sent his troops to the gulf of mexico and he was captured

Did Mexico win the Spanish and American War?

The Spanish American War did not involve Mexico.

Who was the one who took owed Mexico city along time ago?

Several people have invaded and captured Mexico City in the past. Before it was even known as Mexico City, it was razed by Spanish Conquistador Hernan Cortes in 1521. Another example is American General Winfield Scott, who captured Mexico City in 1848 thus ending the Mexican-American War.

Who is the Spanish explorer treasure hunter and conqueror?

Hernan Cortes is a Spanish explorer known for conquering the Aztec Empire in Mexico.

What Spanish explorer invaded Mexico in 1521?

Hernan Cortes

Who was the spanish explorer who left Mexico in 1540?

Garcia Lopez

What is The name of a Spanish explorer?

One famous Spanish explorer is Hernán Cortés. He is known for conquering the Aztec Empire in Mexico in the 16th century.

Spanish explorer claimed Arizona and Mexico?

Hernando de Soto

What happend to Pike after he captuerd the spanish governor?

Pike didn't capture the Spanish. Pike was captured by the Spanish that controlled Mexico at the time.

Which letter indicates the route taken by Spanish explorer Francisco Vasquez de Coronado?

The letter indicating the route taken by Spanish explorer Francisco Vasquez de Coronado is "A." He embarked on an expedition starting from Mexico in 1540 to explore the American Southwest, including present-day Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and parts of Kansas.

Spanish troops captured British forts along the Mississippi River and Hudson Bay?

No, the spanish troops captured british forts along Mississippi river and Gulf of Mexico.

Which explorer explored mexico?

One extremely important Spanish explorer and conquistador, named Hernando Cortes, explored a good part of modern day Mexico.