The political structure of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland has changed several times through history, and these changes have brought about changes to the official title of the monarch.
There has not been a king (or queen) of England since 1707.
King George III became King of Great Britain, and separately, King of Ireland on 25th October 1760 and reigned until his death on 29th January 1820.
During his reign, on 1st January 1801, the crowns of Great Britain and Ireland were united and he then became "King of Great Britain and Ireland"
King George III reigned from 25th October 1760 until his death on 29th January 1820.
He was not the King of England.
At the beginning of his reign he held the separate titles "King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain" and "King of Ireland."
On 1st January 1801 the kingdoms were united and he became "King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland."
that ^ does not answer your question so i don't even no why they wrote it.
King George (III).
He reignedfrom 1760 - 1820 (60 years) He was one of the longer reigning monarchs. In the last ten years of his reign he went mad ; thought to be porphyria' ; his eldest son Prince George became Prince Regent.
Prince George, the Prince Regent, became King George (IV) in 1820 .
King Georgew(III) immediate predecessoir was King George(II).
Stephen I of England was king
i bealive it was King George... :3
England, as a united country.
King John succeeded his brother King Richard (Richard the Lionheart) in 1199.
Uranus was originally named 'Georgium Sidus' in honor of King George III of England by its discoverer, William Herschel, in 1781.
He saw it first on the 13th of March 1781, in his back garden at 19 New King Street in the town of Bath, Somerset, England.
Uranus was almost named George's Star after King George III of England, who reigned at the time of its discovery in 1781 by William Herschel.
Uranus is the answer, discovered by William Herschel in England.
He was the King of England and head of the Church Of England. That was his job.
The king of England in 1605 was King James I
The king of England
King George III was the King of England from 1760 to 1820.
He was the king of england
King Richard i (The Lion Heart) was king of england
the king oh england