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French History. a member of a political party (1791-93) of moderate republicans whose leaders were deputies from the department of Gironde.

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Q: Who were the Girondists?
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What did the girondists want?

They wanted a constitutional government.

Which groups were forced to relinquish power in the French Revolution?

Which group of french society benefited from the french revolution

Who was girondist?

the Girondists were the conservative party of the French government during the French Revolution, they opposed the killing of King Louis XVI, but were beaten by the Jacobins lead by Robespierre, soon after they were all arrested and executed in what was known as the "Reign of Terror"A group of deputies in the Assembly and Legislative Convention, many of them from the Gironde area around Bordeaux, established during the French Revolution. Centred around the figure of J.-P. Brissot, the 'faction of the Gironde' represented the resistance of the provinces to Parisian dominance, and opposition to the emerging dictatorship and terror under Robespierre. In June 1793 the Girondins were themselves expelled from the Convention and later killed.

How did Tom Paine view the outbreak of the French Revolution?

He greatly influenced the French Revolution. He wrote the Rights of Man (1791), a guide to Enlightenment ideas. Despite not speaking French, he was elected to the French National Convention in 1792. The Girondists regarded him as an ally, so, the Montagnards, especially Robespierre, regarded him as an enemy. In December of 1793, he was arrested and imprisoned in Paris, then released in 1794. He became notorious because of The Age of Reason (1793-94), the book advocating deism and arguing against Christian doctrines. In France, he also wrote the pamphlet Agrarian Justice (1795), discussing the origins of property, and introduced the concept of a guaranteed minimum income. He voted for the French Republic; but argued against the execution of Louis XVI, saying that he should instead be exiled to the United States: firstly, because of the way royalist France had come to the aid of the American Revolution; secondly because of a moral objection to capital punishment in general and to revenge killings in particular. He remained in France during the early Napoleonic era, but condemned Napoleon's dictatorship, calling him "the completest charlatan that ever existed". In 1802, at President Thomas Jefferson's invitation, he returned to America.

Discuss what you think Louis XVI could have done differently to literally save his own head.?

At the start of his reign, he could have kept out of wars so as not to place France in heavy debt; bankruptcy was what led to the Estates-General being called to vote on tax reform in 1789. In 1789, he could have let the Estates-General vote by head rather than order, thus making it possible that the reforms France needed were passed. Instead, the three estates voted by order, meaning the nobles and clergy could oppose any move for change by the "Third Estate" in a 2-1 vote. This, and a series of misunderstandings, led to the Third Estate along with liberal nobles and priests to break away and form their own assembly, the National Convention. In 1790, he could have listened to his allies on the right and accepted his new position as a constitutional monarch with limited powers. Instead, he shot his own side in the foot repeatedly with intransigent demands and a refusal to cooperate. This, coupled with attempts to flee France, increasingly damaged the power of moderates like LaFayette and made it easy to paint him as a tyrant or traitor. By 1792, he should have chosen to gone into voluntary exile and renounce his throne. The aforementioned damage had built up to make him and his family extremely unpopular in Paris and the actions of foreign powers, such as the Brunswick Declaration (which made it look like the king was working with foreign absolutists; a rumor not helped by Marie-Antoinette's own ties to Austrian sympathizers). With the Storming of the Tuileries on 10th August 1792, the Jacobins and Girondists rose to power, a massive shift to the left for the Revolution. The king and his family was imprisoned by this new regime and it was at this point that he was effectively doomed.

Related questions

How did the girondists differ from the mountain?

The Girondists and the Mountain were rival political factions during the French Revolution. The Girondists were moderate republicans who favored a decentralized government and represented the interests of the provinces, while the Mountain were radical Jacobins who advocated for a centralized government and more extreme measures to protect the revolution. The Girondists were eventually overthrown by the Mountain, leading to the Reign of Terror.

Are girondists liberal or Conservative?


What did the girondists want?

They wanted a constitutional government.

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Why were the Girondists arrested?

The Girondists came into conflict with Montagnards, who were an extreme wing of the Jacobin Club during the French Revolution. This ultimately led to their arrest and execution.

Did revolutionary fervor began to cool after the death of Robespierre?

After the King's execution, the influence of Robespierre, Danton, & the pragmatic politicians increased at the expense of the Girondists. Girondists refused to have anything more to do with Danton & because of this the government became more divided.

What three groups made up the national convention?

Girondists Jacobins The third group consisted of delegates who had no definite views. straight from the history book

Which group in french revolution were forced to relinquish power?

The Girondists. They were forced to relinquish the power in favour of the Jacobins. They were also persecuted and most of them condemned to be guillotined.

Which groups were forcing to relinquish power?


What has the author Bette Wyn Oliver written?

Bette Wyn Oliver has written: 'Orphans on the earth' -- subject(s): Girondists, Biography, Politics and government, Revolutionaries, History

What has the author Paul R Hanson written?

Paul R. Hanson has written: 'The A to Z of the French Revolution' 'The Jacobin Republic under fire' -- subject(s): Girondists, History, Montagnards

What was the two major parties of the french revolution?

The Girondists were a loosely knit political faction which generally favored some form of Republic. The Jacobin Club which had a peak membership of 420,000 was closely associated with Robepierre.