Captain Moonlite, aka Captain Moonlight, aka Andrew George Scott, was originally a preacher at the small Victorian town of Egerton. An admirer of Ned Kelly, he made a sudden decision to become a bushranger. His first target was the manager of the Egerton Bank, who was fully aware of Scott's identity. Scott tied him up, with orders to tell police he had been robbed by Captain Moonlight. It is believed that the choice of name was a spur-of-the-moment decision based upon the robbery occurring in the middle of the night, under moonlight.
There are three crosses: The St. George's cross - the vertical, horizontal red cross. The St. Andrew's cross - the diagonal white cross on blue field. The St. Patrick's cross - the diagonal red cross.
Captain George Vancouver (1757 - 1798) was an officer in the British Royal Navy, best known for his exploration of the North-West Coast of North America, including the shores of the modern day Alaska, British Columbia, Washington and Oregon. He also explored the southwest coast of Australia.
When Captain William Dampier first came across Western Australia in 1688, he captained the Cygnet. On his next journey in 1699, his ship was the Roebuck.Early in the 1700s, Dampier was appointed commander of the government ship St George, while in 1708 he was then taken on as sailing master on the Duke.
It depends on which George B Grinnell. George Bird Grinnell, famous conservationist, is the son of George Blake Grinnell, founder of George B Grinnell and Co.
The Union Jack - properly known as the Union Flag.
Do you mean Captain Moonlight?. If so, Captain Moonlight was an Australian bushranger whose real name was Andrew George Scott. See the link for more information.
Andrew George Scott (Captain Moonlight, the Australian bushranger) was born In Ireland, son of an Anglican minister, and was baptized on 5 July, 1842.
Captain Moonlite, aka Captain Moonlight, aka Andrew George Scott, was originally a preacher at the small Victorian town of Egerton. An admirer of Ned Kelly, he made a sudden decision to become a bushranger. His first target was the manager of the Egerton Bank, who was fully aware of Scott's identity. Scott tied him up, with orders to tell police he had been robbed by Captain Moonlight. It is believed that the choice of name was a spur-of-the-moment decision based upon the robbery occurring in the middle of the night, under moonlight.
Captain Moonlite was hanged on 20 January 1880 at Darlinghurst Court.
Andrew George Scott (Captain Moonlight, the Australian bushranger) was hanged in Darlinghurst Gaol in January 1880. He was buried in Rookwood Cemetary, despite his last wishes to be buried with his "beloved James Nesbitt". In January 1995 his body was exhumed and he was buried next to James, his partner, in Gundagai Cemetery.
Andrew George Scott was better known as bushranger Captain Moonlite.
Andrew George Scott (Captain Moonlight, the Australian bushranger) was hanged in Darlinghurst Gaol in January 1880. He was buried in Rookwood Cemetary, despite his last wishes to be buried with his "beloved James Nesbitt". In January 1995 his body was exhumed and he was buried next to James, his partner, in Gundagai Cemetery.
Andrew George Scott (Captain Moonlight, the Australian bushranger) was hanged in Darlinghurst Gaol in January 1880. He was buried in Rookwood Cemetary, despite his last wishes to be buried with his "beloved James Nesbitt". In January 1995 his body was exhumed and he was buried next to James, his partner, in Gundagai Cemetery.
George Fairweather Moonlight died in 1884.
George Fairweather Moonlight was born in 1832.
Andrew George Scott (Captain Moonlight, the Australian bushranger) was hanged in Darlinghurst Gaol in January 1880. He was buried in Rookwood Cemetary, despite his last wishes to be buried with his "beloved James Nesbitt". In January 1995 his body was exhumed and he was buried next to James, his partner, in Gundagai Cemetery.
Andrew George Scott also known as Captain Moonlite was born in Ireland and lived from 1842 to 1880 CE. In 1870 CE he was sentenced to twelve months in Maitland goal, he spent a large amount of his sentence in Parramatta Lunatic Asylum because he feigned insanity. He was then sent to Ballarat goal then to Pentridge goal.