Because she never married. It is said that she had a child with Robert Dudley, Earl of Leceister but he would be illegitimate and couldn't have taken the crown anyway.
Queen Elizabeth I (1533 - 1603) did not marry or have any children, and was known as The Virgin Queen. Therefore she did not have any heirs to directly succeed her.
16 kids. 10 with his first wife, Rachel Brewer, and 6 with his second, Elizabeth de Peyster.
Henry Kissinger is best known for his role as President Nixon's Secretary of State. His daughter Elizabeth does not seem to have married nor does she have children. His son David works with Conan O'Brien but it is unknown whether or not he has a spouse or a family.
No she dosent. She refuses to! Her curent husband that she names "Felipe" have two older children that she treats as her own.
Yes, Elizabeth Ellis Masters married Henry Ferris and had one child, Frances Canby Ferris (1886-1976).
Elizabeth the First had no children.
Queen Elizabeth the First did not have any children Queen Elizabieth the Second. Princess Anne to Captain Mark Philips
The children of her parents' siblings! Haha!
Zero. Queen Elizabeth the first died in 1603 having had no children.
no Queen Elizabeth did not have 2 children she had 4 children
Queen Elizabeth the first of England was never married and never had children.
John Updike had four children with his first wife Mary Pennington: Elizabeth, David, Michael, and Miranda.
Queen Elizabeth had four children
Queen Elizabeth I did not have any children.
Elizabeth Banks has 2 children
Elizabeth Montgomery has 3 children
elizabeth Taylor has 4 children