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Q: Why did saskathwen join confederation?
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Why did Winnipeg join Confederation?

Winnipeg did not join Confederation.

Who is the last procince to join confederation?

The last province to join Confederation was Newfoundland, in 1949. The last territory to join Canada was Nunavut, in 1999.

Why did Sir Etienne Paschal join confederation?

He didn't "join" Confederation, well I guess in one sense he did because he was one of our Fathers of Confederation and a professional politician. Maybe that is why.

When did Spain join confederation?

Spain joining Canadian Confederation? What planet are you on?

What was the first province to join Confederation after 1867?

The first province to join Confederation after 1867 was Manitoba, which joined in 1870.

Did PEI want to join confederation in 1864?

No, they did not want to join Confederation. However, John Hamilton Gray, of PEI, was in favour.

When did Halifax join the Confederation?


When did Quebec join confederation?

Quebec joined confederation July 1st 1867.

When did newfound join confederation?

Newfoundland joined confederation on March 31, 1949

Why did want to join confederation?

Alberta wanted to join the Confederation to further their economic ability, gain money, and access to the Trans-Canada railway.

Who were the first colonies to join confederation?

the first four colonies to join confederation were Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Canada East and Canada West.

When did Nunavut join confederation what year?
