The use of written languageThe ability to convey events. Prehistory refers to time before writing and history refers to time after writing.
The current era of time will be called the Digital Age.
In the most general terms, prehistory differs from history inasmuch as it is that period of time that has occurred before periods in which human ideas and events have been recorded, particularly through writing. In other words, 'history' refers to times or events that have been preserved through records of some kind, while 'prehistory' refers to what came before such records.
Pre history is something that hasn't happened yet and you will have to wait for it.
The period of time prior to the invention of writing is referred to as "Prehistory". This division of time is also noted by the use of a written calendar and the days before there were such dates notated.
pre history pre historythe time before writting was invented is called prehistory.
Which phrase defines the time called prehistory
The era after prehistory is known as history. History typically refers to recorded events and developments in human societies that began with the invention of writing around 5,000 years ago.
325 BC[or]AD325
The period of time before writing was used is called prehistory. This era is characterized by the absence of written records and includes the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age. Research from this time relies on archaeology, artifacts, and oral traditions to understand human history and culture.
We study that in a subject called Geology.
The earliest era of prehistory was also the longest. The Stone Age lasted from around 25,000 years to ago to about 5,500 years ago.
it's called prehistory
The long period before the development of written language is called prehistory because it refers to the time before written records or documentation of historical events, making it difficult to study and interpret without written sources. This era lacks written records, so our understanding of it is based on archaeological findings and scientific evidence.