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The use of written language
The ability to convey events. Prehistory refers to time before writing and history refers to time after writing.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

History is the period when man learnt to write and prehistory is the period when man could not write.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Pre-history is a not-so-accurate way of saying "before recorded history".

If the event happened before anybody wrote about it, it is pre-historic.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

History comes from an era of writing. Prerhistory from when there was no written record.

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What separates prehistory form history?

Prehistory refers to the time period before the invention of writing, while history is the time period after the development of written records. Prehistory is typically studied through archaeological and scientific methods, while history relies on written records as primary sources of information.

How are history and prehistory are alike?

prehistory is before and history is now

How do you compare recorded history with prehistory?

Recorded history is history that has already happened and prehistory is history that is about to happen.

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What is the significant difference between prehistory and history?

The significant difference between prehistory and history is prehistory is history to old people that has happened now for example and iPhone is problaly an artifact to very old people.

What was the period of time called before systems of writing were used?

pre history pre historythe time before writting was invented is called prehistory.

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What does the term prehistory describe?

Prehistory is all that period before people started recording their history.

Why does the development of writing end our story of prehistory?

The writings are the history, so prehistory is before writing.

What is the definition of 'prehistory'?

'Pre', or before, and History form the word prehistory, so "Before - History" History is mostly a made up idea from humans, and it is written history that is "History" So yeah. Before written history, like the other answer to this question.

What is the root or base words for prehistory?


How is histoey and prehistory is the same?

history and pre-history is the same cause it talkes about history