they were treated bad in the US because of how they looked. it was easy to tell a Chinese American from a European American. The Chinese dressed differently looked different smoked opium. They were treaded bad because they were so diffrent, because they stood out so much from the rest of the population
media and African culture
They were criminals. Back then criminals weren't given luxuries like they are today. They were the lowest of the low and were treated as such.
Slave traders treated the slaves disrespectfully mainly because they thought of the slaves as nothing but money.
They brought slaves to America and from Africa because they wanted people to work on the plantations. they chose Africans because they believed that we were evil, only because every thing black in our culture is bad; goths (no offence), funerals, and such as. But everything white in our culture is good; weddings, angels, clouds, and such as.
Bad. For roman patircians and for Senate he was bad ruler cause he hated nobility and having bad reputation he did resort all kind of cruelity to ensure his authority and power. He also persecuted Jews and Christians (one theory says that it was Domitian who is actual anichrist mentioned in Book of Revelations). He did start unsucceful campaign in Dacia and caused financial disaster.
One superstition is the number four is bad luck. The Chinese Mandarin word for four sounds similar to the Chinese Mandarin word for death. So, in some elevators in China, there is NO fourth floor.
In Chinese culture, a person who speaks with a 'crow mouth' says bad things off others.
because they don't want Chinese people to know how bad their treated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If they are not treated promptly, the lack of blood flow will cause irreparable brain and tissue damage. Also, even when they are treated promptly, they can cause damage to the cardiac mussel and valves.
Not really, but is generally considered taboo if you wear white on certain occasions. White in Chinese culture is a "sad" or a "mourning" color, almost equivalent to the color black in Western culture (i.e. the color you wear at a funeral) whereas the color red in Chinese culture is auspicious and is used in just about everything (in traditional-styled Chinese weddings the bride and groom both wear red).
they were treated bad
The Chinese say that it will make you have weak lungs which will also cause other problems.
The Chinese government is fearful of separatist tendencies in the western provinces where Muslims are in a majority. As a result, the police deal sternly with any perceived dissent. In the regions of China where the ethnic Chinese Han people are in a majority, Muslims seem to be treated cordially and with normal respect by both the police and other citizens
no these are two entirely different milks. sour milk is just gone bad, buttermilk has been treated with culture like Yogurt.
Because Russia has a culture and legal system that hates gay people. This hatred mainly stems from fear.
Good cause it would give jobs to people in poverty, and can make it a developed country. Bad cause it will destroy culture and roots (think of it as Hitler taking over the world)
they are treated bad