Large rats
There were also messenger animals like pigeons and dogs which were used to carry important messages across. Some of these animals even received medals.
The greatest killer of troops during WW1 was the flu virus, not military action.
Animals' gender is no different than a humans'. Animals can be male and female, just like we are.
When soldiers dropped food and things like that, that would attract rats. The rats started living in the trenches in small holes and things like that. As they multiplied they became bolder and started eating while men were around. This is the gross bit. The rats became so big they started eating corpses of men!
Animals with royal names include the monarch butterfly and the king cobra. The king cobra also has a royal name.
lice and rats
they slept in trenches with rats and other nasty animals
Animals that live in ocean trenches include deep-sea creatures such as giant squid, grenadiers, deep-sea anglerfish, and amphipods. These animals have adapted to survive in extreme pressure, darkness, and cold temperatures found in ocean trenches.
coninental trenches are trenches that go across countries...i think
Trenches are caused by plate movement.
Reserve trenches
In the Trenches was created on 2007-01-30.
they fought in the trenches ww1 was known as a war in the trenches
Yes, there are lice everywhere there are lots of warm blooded animals in close proximity, humans are no exception.
They were the western front. But the different trenches were front line trenches, communication trenches.
trenches trenches