No it is not because Georgia's constitution and laws have to apply to the state so our laws are made for the state only and we have a lot of different things that need to be put in check but the laws for the US are only minor laws so there are less
There is no amendment in the US Constitution regarding State governments being no longer necessary. What the US Constitution does say is that whatever the US Constitutions laws do not cover, belong to the individual States to determine.
State constitutions are much longer than the US constitution.The main reason that state constitutions have a greater length is that they deal with more specifics where as the US Constitution is a framework of government. The US Supreme court deals through its interpretations the specifics of the laws. An example is in the amendments. The Texas constitution is amended through rewriting the parts that need to be change while the US constitution has addenda, like the first ten amendments. D. Are much longer
One is longer------NEW ANSWER BELOW----US Constitution has seven articles; Illinois has fourteenBill of Rights are located at the end of US Constitution; Bill of Rights located at the start for Illinois Constitution
the us constitution goes across the hole us wile Washington constitution is only
because Illinois is a state
" The fourth and current Missouri State Constitution is more than eight times longer than our U.S. Constitution and has been amended hundreds of times" <>
It is the Alabama Constitution of 1901. It is the longest operative constitution in the world. Yes, in the world! It is 40 times longer than the US Constitution, and 12 times longer than other state constitutions. See the link for fascinating history!
Georgia was State number four.
It is the longest State Constitution in the US and is with 357,157 words 40 times longer then the US Constitution which most US Citizens have failed to read.
The U.S. Constitution was designed to be difficult (although not impossible) to modify. It takes a 2/3rds vote in congress and a 3/4ths vote from the states to amend it. Most state constitutions are far easier to amend, and so they end up being far longer than the U.S. Constitution. In particular, the voters can pass amendments. See the related link for more info.
There is no amendment in the US Constitution regarding State governments being no longer necessary. What the US Constitution does say is that whatever the US Constitutions laws do not cover, belong to the individual States to determine.
State constitutions are much longer than the US constitution.The main reason that state constitutions have a greater length is that they deal with more specifics where as the US Constitution is a framework of government. The US Supreme court deals through its interpretations the specifics of the laws. An example is in the amendments. The Texas constitution is amended through rewriting the parts that need to be change while the US constitution has addenda, like the first ten amendments. D. Are much longer
The US Constitution
The Constitution allows Congress:To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years; To provide and maintain a navy; To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces;