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Revunue bills

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except revunue bills

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Q: The Senate can introduce all kinds of legislation except what bills?
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What kind of legislation can the senate not introduce?

Revenue bills are the kind of legislation the Senate cannot introduce. The United States Senate has 100 members who serve 6-year terms.

What kinds of legislation can the senate introduce?

Revenue bills are the kind of legislation the Senate cannot introduce. The United States Senate has 100 members who serve 6-year terms.

A new bill may be introduced......A either the house of representatives or the senate B only in the house of representatives C only in the senate?

The Senate NEVER has the exclusive right to introduce legislation. The House of Representatives has the exclusive right to introduce legislation on bills regarding the raising, and spending, of money (e.g. the yearly federal budget, and laws about adjusting taxes). If it is not about money, both houses can introduce it at their own whim.

What bill can the senate not introduce?

The Senate cannot introduce bills for raising revenue. Article 1, Section 7 of the US Constitution states that All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other bills

Who can introduce a bill?

In most parliaments the executive introduces legislation but some countries have time where private members can introduce bills for debate and voting. If you want an answer regarding a specific country's legislature please be specific in your questions.

What can the house do that the senate can not?

Introduce bills for the raising of revenue.

What can the senate do that the house can not do?

Introduce bills for the raising of revenue.

Does the house or the senate introduce revenue bills?

the house

Who are Bills introduced in the senate by who?

Bills in the senate can only be introduced by Senators. Bills in the House of Representatives can only be introduced by representatives. No-one else can introduce bills in either house.

Bills are introduced in the senate by who?

Bills in the senate can only be introduced by Senators. Bills in the House of Representatives can only be introduced by representatives. No-one else can introduce bills in either house.

When can a proposed legislation(bills) be defeated by opponents?

Proposed legislation bills can be defeated by opponents after they have been introduced. The members of the House of Representatives or the Senate can vote down the proposed bills.

When can a proposed legislation (bills) be defeated by opponents?

Proposed legislation bills can be defeated by opponents after they have been introduced. The members of the House of Representatives or the Senate can vote down the proposed bills.