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In the United States, the first textile mill was established by Francis Cabot Lowell. Lowell visited England in the early 1800s, and toured textile mills while pretending to be an idiot. When he returned to the United States, he gave detailed descriptions and engineering drawings to a man named Paul Moody, creating spinning devices and a power loom. In order to raise the money for the mill, Lowell sold shares of stock in his company, an innovative approach at the time that later became the primary way capital is raised for corporations. The textile mill itself became the basis for the town of Lowell, Massachussetts, named for Francis Cabot Lowell. Lowell employed many women in his mills, which was also innovative at the time. He was able to pay women less than men, but women also benefited from the small measure of independence and camaraderie with other women.

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Francis Lowell

(Mrs Brewer)

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