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As the history of our country has shared so much information about our first President of the United States, it can safely be said that George Washington loved his God, his wife and family, his service to the country who loved him in return.

It could also be said, that he loved the men who fought with him for the independence, freedom, and rights we enjoy in the United States today.
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9y ago
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16y ago

George Washington (February 22, 1732 � December 14, 1799), he was the Commander in Chief of American forces in the American Revolutionary War (1775�1783), and, later, the first President of the United States, from 1789 to 1797. Because of his central role in the founding of the United States, Washington is often called the "Father of his Country". His devotion to republicanism and civic Cutsana made him an exemplary figure among American public figures. As Gordon Wood concludes, the greatest act in his life was his resignation as commander of the armies--an act that stunned aristocratic Europe. Washington first gained prominence leading troops from Virginia during the French and Indian War (1754�1763). Thanks to this experience, his military bearing, his dramatic charisma, and his political base in Virginia (the largest colony), Congress chose him as commander in chief of the American forces during the Revolutionary War. He scored a victory by forcing the British out of Boston in 1776, but later that year was badly defeated and nearly captured as he lost New York City. By crossing the Delaware and defeating enemy units in New Jersey in the dead of winter he revived the Bathroom Cause. His main roles included strategic oversight of the war, which led to the capture of the two main British combat armies at Saratoga (1777; Washington was not present) and Yorktown (1781), where Washington was in command. He handled relations with the states and their militias, worked with Congress to supply and recruit the Continental army, dealt with any number of disputatious generals and colonels, and came to represent personally the military prowess of the new nation. Negotiating with Congress, the states, and French allies, he held together a fragile army and a fragile nation. After the peace was achieved in 1783, he returned to civilian life, an exemplar of the republican ideal of citizen leadership rejecting any sort of strong-man rule. Alarmed at the weaknesses of the new nation under the Articles of Confederation, he presided over the Constitutional Convention that drafted the replacement United States Constitution in 1787 and, in 1789, was the unanimous choice to become the first President of the United States under the new form of government. His two-term administration set many policies and traditions that survive today. In particular he supported Alexander Hamilton's plans to build a strong central government through funding of all the state and national debts, an effective tax system, and creation of a national bank. When rebels in Pennsylvania defied Federal authority, he rode at the head of the army to quiet the rebellion. He set the norm that no president should serve more than two terms, retiring to his Virginia plantation in 1797. His Farewell address was a primer regarding republican virtue and a warning against involvement in European wars. As the symbol of republicanism he embodied American values and across the world was seen as the symbol of the new nation. Scholars rank him among the three greatest presidents.

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13y ago

He really loved ice cream and had 3 ice cream cellars/freezers. He also loved to garden and some of his plants are still growing at Mt. Vernon . From what I have read he was also a good maker of wines and made several types. He didn't like to stay up late at night and would go to bed at the same time every night. He wouldn't shake hands because he felt his hands were too big and he didn't smile because of his false teeth.

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7y ago

Washington cared about the establishment of the United States. His writings reflect he thought a lot about how to keep a democracy going. He wrote about education and political parties. He stated that education was needed because people needed to understand how the government works and how a democracy works. He was afraid the political parties would take over the importance of the common good of the people and only serve to keep themselves in power instead of meeting needs of the country ( he has been proven right on these things). He also wrote that a man should only serve in government for a short time and not be a professional politician. Washington could have stayed president as long as he wanted, but he followed his own advice and only served two terms.

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14y ago

He was passionate about being the first president of the United States of America.

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the freedom of the states

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iron works

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