'E pluribus' is two words, not one. Translated from Latin, it means "out of many". This is most commonly found in the United States motto, E Pluribus Unum, which translates to "Out of many, one".
doesit mean anything It is believed to mean: The Bends Place.
There are three that I'm aware of: 1) mean - rude/unpleasant/unkind, saying words or committing actions that will intentionally hurt (physically, mentally, emotionally, or otherwise) the well-being of another, without reason or need. 2) mean - the definition or explanation of a concept (i.e., "what does that mean?"), or the intention ("what do you mean", "what do you mean to say", "did you mean to do that") 3) mean - an average, such as the "arithmetic mean". You add up the collection of numbers you have to get a total, then divide by the amount of individual numbers you had (for instance, if you have 4 numbers - for example 2, 3, 5, and 6, you add those 4 numbers to get 16, then divide the total by 4 since you had 4 numbers; the average, or "mean" is 4). What do you mean what does mean mean? Are you like, teasing us? Are you being mean? There is much to ponder and always when we ask, it's always the same, we ask in all earnestness, what does it mean? Do you know what I mean? I wonder if the average Joe knows what I mean, not that average Joe's don't ponder and ask what does it mean, I'm just saying that if you take all the average Joe's and look at them as a whole, how many of them do you really think will know what I mean? I mean, let's be honest here, I don't even know what I mean, do you know what I mean? What does mean mean? Ha! What does does do? What is what? Is is an is? What does mean mean, indeed!
what does clima mean in spanish
they mean the law
what is participating to domocratic life mean what is participating to domocratic life mean
Out of many, one.it means out of many oneE pluribus unum, Latin for "Out of many, one",
What denomination?
The coin is face value.
400.00 dollars
A denomination is needed. Post new question.
E pluribus unum is Latin for "from many, one", used as the U.S. motto until "In God We Trust" was officially adopted in 1956 (possibly as a reaction to the godless Commies).
$17.00-$26.00 and it's a Morgan Dollar NOT a E PLURIBUS UNUM dollar
The US Mint struck no dollar coins dated 1830 of any type.
A 1998 Washington quarter is still worth 25 cents.
Yes, it's worth money. How much money mainly depends on the coin's denomination, which you forgot to include in your question.
E PLURIBUS UNUM is NOT a type of silver dollar, it is the national motto. Please post a new question with the date of the coin.