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the give and take of politics

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Q: What is the give and take of politics?
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Should students take part in politics yes or no?

No, In my opinion the student should not take part in politics they can take but after a certain age Yes, They should do it. Joining in politics can give a person a newfound appreciation for the political process and a better understanding of how the system works.

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Politics and Politicians really stink.

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The most relevant subjects are history, to give you the context in which politics occur, and English, to give you the primary tool by which politics are conducted.

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For Morgenthau, politics is an attempt to gain power or control over someone else.

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"justice for poor,pride not for rich"

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"Politics" is already plural in form, though it may take a singular verb.

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He has a naive attitude towards politics

Can you give me a sentence with the word politics in it?

Politics are great things to study about in school.

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Yes politics do exist in England believe it or not! It's just that many people don't take notice of them...

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