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In actuality, The Bible is the oldest Piece of Literature, though it wasn't full like it is today, the same stories that are in the Old Testament were still being read back then.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 13y ago

greek is the oldest and used most in the wertern

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Q: What is the oldest work of the western literature?
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Oldest and most influential national literature in the western world?

The oldest and most influential national literature in the western world is the Greek literature. This is followed by Roman and Ancient Hinduism mythologies.

What literature From the cultures is the oldest and most influential national literature in the western world?

The oldest culture that provided the most influential literature in the western world were the Hebrews. The Hebrew culture brought the concept of monotheism to the west with the Holy Bible as the most influential literature.

What cultural is the oldest and most influential national literature in the western world?

The oldest culture that provided the most influential literature in the western world were the Hebrews. The Hebrew culture brought the concept of monotheism to the west with the Holy Bible as the most influential literature.

What culture is the oldest and and most influential national literature in the western world?

The oldest culture that provided the most influential literature in the western world were the Hebrews. The Hebrew culture brought the concept of monotheism to the west with the Holy Bible as the most influential literature.

What is the cultures oldest and most influential national literature in the western world?

The oldest culture that provided the most influential literature in the western world were the Hebrews. The Hebrew culture brought the concept of monotheism to the west with the Holy Bible as the most influential literature.

The oldest piece of literature in Western Civilization that you know of comes out of Mesopotamia is?

the epic of gilgamesh

Literature from which of these cultures is the oldest and most influential national literature in the western wold?

The literature from the Hebrew culture is the oldest and most influential in the west and globally. Hebrew scripture provided some of the sacred literature that many societies throughout the world continue to follow today.

Literature from what culture is the oldest and most influential national literature in the western world?

The culture and literature of Ancient hunduism, but chinis, Austrelians,egyptian & critics mentally will not agree with these. Answer 2: I doubt that Hinduism should be counted as belonging to the Western world.

What the odyssey relates the adventures of which Greek hero?

The Odyssey was the second poem written by Homer that centers on the Greek hero Odysseus. The first poem written by Homer that tells of Odysseus is The Iliad, which is considered to be the oldest work in Western literature.

When was Western Literature Association created?

Western Literature Association was created in 1965.

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What did Homer the greek god do in his lifetime?

Homer wasn't a god, he was a poet. He is most recognized for his works the Iliad and the Odyssey, which are among the oldest written works of western literature.