Oh, dude, during the golden age in China, a person became a scholar by passing the imperial examinations. These exams were like the SATs on steroids, testing knowledge of Confucian texts and classical literature. So basically, if you aced those exams, you were in the scholarly club. It was like the ancient Chinese version of getting a blue checkmark on social media.
Scroll Paintings.
According to the Robert Service, an Oxford University scholar, North Korea follows the communist rules the closest. China, Laos, Cuba, and Vietnam also claim to be communist.
yes there they created a colony known as indo-china were there is the british embassy during the small wars.
Feudalism started in China during the Shang dynasty. Feudalism lasted until the end of the Qin/Chin dynasty.
trash and cleaning the lords feet
educated peoples served as China's scholar-officials.
educated peoples served as China's scholar-officials.
educated peoples served as China's scholar-officials.
educated peoples served as China's scholar-officials.
Books helped spred knowledge during china's golden age.
Books helped knowledge to spread throughout China during its golden ages. Importing of goods from European countries and industrialization spread knowledge throughout China
"One who thoroughly knew the Confuciun classics." Anyone who worked hard for the title by studying, taking and passing many levels of exams could be called a scholar. They did not need to be born into nobility.
Books helped knowledge to spread throughout China during its golden ages. Importing of goods from European countries and industrialization spread knowledge throughout China
Answer this question… A. China's military ruled the empire during the Golden Age, and military leaders forced other countries into trade agreements. B. China had a weak government during its Golden Age, which forced its people to rely on trade to obtain food and other goods. C. China came into contact with many new cultures during its Golden Age and expanded its trade network. D. China had a policy during its Golden Age by which any man could become a merchant, and many took advantage of this policy.
In ancient China, a person was considered a scholar if they had demonstrated proficiency in Confucian classics, poetry, calligraphy, and other scholarly pursuits. Scholarly achievement was highly valued in Chinese society, often leading to prestigious government positions and social status. Scholars were expected to uphold moral values, contribute to the well-being of society, and participate in civil service examinations.