George Washington served in the French and Indian War and the Revolutionary War.
James Monroe served actively in the Revolutionary War.
James Madison was in the militia but did not fighting in the Revolutionary War.
Andrew Jackson served in the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Creek and the First Seminole War.
William Harrison served in the Northwest Indian war and the War of 1812.
John Tyler served in the War of 1812.
Zachary Taylor served in the War of 1812, the Black Hawk War, the Second Seminole War and the Mexican American War.
Millard Filmore served in the Civil War.
Franklin Pierce served in the Mexican American War.
James Buchanan served in the militia in the War of 1812.
Abraham Lincoln served in the Black Hawk War.
Andrew Johnson as a military governor served in the Civil War.
Ulysses Grant served in the Mexican American and the Civil War.
Hayes, Garfield, Harrison and McKinley served as soldiers in the Civil War.
Arthur was a supply officer at home in NY.
Theodore Roosevelt served in the Spanish American War.
Harry Truman served in WWI.
Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford and George H. W. Bush served in WWII.
As of 2014, there have been 21 US Presidents that have served in the military. The presidents include Washington, Jackson, W.H. Harrison, Garfield, Teddy Roosevelt, and Ford. George H. W. Bush was a Navy pilot.
21 Presidents served on active duty in a regular military unit.
Reagan was on active duty in WWW but served in a unit that made training films. Lyndon Johnson was called home after short service since he was a Congressman at the time.
Nine others had some form of military service. Chester Arthur was a high-ranking supply officer in the NY state militia during the Civil War. Andrew Johnson served as military governor of re-occupied Tennessee during the Civil War. Madison, Tyler, Polk, Buchanan and Lincoln had brief service in state militia units that saw no fighting. Fillmore was in a home guard during the Civil War after he was President. George W. Bush was in the air force reserves.
Zachary Taylor and Dwight Eisenhower were both very successful career army officers. U. S. Grant began a military career, resigned, and came back to it when the Civil War broke out. His success as a general made him president.
both Bushes, Carter, Reagan, Ford, Nixon, LBJ, JFK, Eisenhower, Truman, Teddy Roosevelt, McKinley, Benjamin Harrison, Arthur, Garfield, Hayes, Grant, Andrew Johnson, Lincoln, Buchanan, Pierce, Filmore, Taylor, Polk, Tyler, William Henry Harrison, Andrew Jackson, Monroe, Madison, Jefferson, Washington.
U.S. Army: Truman, Eisenhower, McKinley, W. Harrison, B. Harrison, Garfield, Hayes, Grant, A. Johnson, Pierce, Taylor, Jackson, Reagan
U.S. Navy: G. Bush, Ford, Nixon, L. Johnson, Kennedy, Carter
U.S. Air Force: G.W. Bush
Continental Army: Washington, Monroe
State Militias: Lincoln, Arthur, Fillmore, Buchanan, Polk, Tyler, Madison, Jefferson
There have been numerous Presidents of the US that have served in the military. A few of the presidents were William McKinley, Benjamin Harrison, James Garfield, and Ulysses S. Grant.
How many presidents had no military service at the time of their election?
Answer this question… Have served in the American military Have served in the American military
There is no requirement that the President have military experience. However, the President is the Commander in Chief of the US Military. As such, it is certainly a big plus in the minds of many people, including the military.
No president has served a term that was split. Grover Cleveland, served two separate terms, which were split by four years served by another president, Benjamin Harrison..
find a counterexample to the statement all us presidents have served only one term to show statement is false
Zero. Many Presidents served in the military, but none were in ROTC.
US Presidents do not have to have served in the military in order to be elected.
The following 13 presidents never served in the military: Obama - Clinton - Franklin Roosevelt - Hoover - Coolidge - Harding - Wilson - Taft - Cleveland - Fillmore - van Buren - Adams - Adams.
Actually many future Presidents were commanded by Presidents. Example: JF Kennedy served in the Navy under Roosevelt and Trueman (Who served in the Army under Wilson). LB Johnson served in the Navy under FDR, George HW Bush served in the Navy under FDR & Trueman. Many of the Presidents served in the military and took orders from the Presidents in office.
There were 25 US presidents who never served in the Senate.
I count five: Grant, Hayes, Garfield, B. Harrison and McKinley.
p o
14 presidents served as vice president before becoming president
The US has had a lot of small conflicts that involved military action, but all presidents except for Madison, Polk, Lincoln, McKinley, Wilson, F. Roosevelt, Truman, Lyndon Johnson. G. H. W. Bush , George W. Bush and Obama either served only in peace time or had only brief periods when they called on the military for foreign or domestic disputes. I did not count Indian Wars which broke out from time to time but usually did not last long. So, you could say the 31 presidents served only in peace time.
Woodrow Wilson was one
How many presidents had no military service at the time of their election?