Anne Hutchinsons father was Francis Hutchinson and her mother was Bridget Dryden.
She watched the house and took care of the family
Socialist. All the rubbish that the students came up with in the 60's became the law of the land in the 70's.
Die, I think ,the title passes down the family like Kings and queens.
Life on a covered wagon was difficult. Dust covered the wagons from traveling on dirt roads. Life on the covered wagon could also be dangerous.
life in Indiana in 1700;s
she was really strict after a hard life wiv her family (henry + anne)
Anne Sullivan's life had changed because Anne had realized that Helen needs her
She had no adult life. She died when she was 15!
i dont why u askin me punk
Anne Frank loved to write stories and in her diary. She also like to feel like a women. The Diary Of Anne Frank movie has a lot of details about her life.
Anne's diary, to her was like a best friend. She called it 'Kitty'. anne diary to her was like a seccond life to relive the past and make it better
What was family life like
bad gross
its family like xD
Her personal life is probaly all about zac like most of her personal life is about zac.
The warthog's family is like pigs