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-Don't create political parties

-Stay neutral in foreign affairs

-Don't over tax the people

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Q: What were the 3 things George Washington warned us?
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What 3 things did Washington warn about in his farewell address?

President Washington advised that the US stay neutral (no fighting/wars),stay away from fighting in political parties, and stay out of debt. He warned about political parties and debt

What did US President George Washington believe was a significant part of US foreign policy?

US President George Washington warned the US not to become involved in the politics of the European powers. With that said, Washington was careful to say that trade relations with Europe were essential, however, the economic connections to Europe could not result in political alliances.

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All US Presidents are Americans. George Washington was the first.

In his farewell address which president warned the US to have as little political connections as possible of European nations?

President George Washington warned against getting involved in the affairs of other countries and that the focus needed to be on our own country.

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He won some of the wars for us.

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George Washington. I hope this is not a trick question.

What did George Washington do for us?

Well George Washington helped us to gain our freedom and independence.

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George Washington

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George Washington

Which president said steer clear of permant alliances?

US President George Washington warned the US to avoid making alliances with foreign countries. At the time, few could disagree with that policy.

When was George Washington appointed the President of the US?

George Washington was a became the President of the US in 1789 on April 30.

Who was the president of the US prior to 1732 before George Washington?

George Washington was the first