The term "pinko" in relation to a communist had to do with the national color of Russia. Its flag is red, so the country was called the Reds. Pink is more "feminine" version of red, so it was a derisive term for red.
most likely your a-hole
Basically, if you see a commie, rape him. Rape him real good. doot doot doot do do do um num num num num doop doop doop noomnomnonmonm
Pom is a contraction of pomegranate a derogatory term used by the French to insult the rosy cheeked English
The President of the United States is the Commander in Chief of the US military according to the Constitution. Since the president has no military rank, a special title was created for the position.
A Senator's term of office is six years.A Senator's term of office is six years.A Senator's term of office is six years.A Senator's term of office is six years.A Senator's term of office is six years.A Senator's term of office is six years.
commie pinko scumbags
The word 'commie' is a slang term for communist.
Pinko Izumi is 154 cm.
Pinko Izumi was born on September 11, 1947, in Tokyo, Japan.
Bolshevik, Bolshevist, C.P. member, Castroite,Commie, Leninist, Maoist, Marxist, Party member,Red, Socialist, Stalinist, Trotskyite, Viet Cong,apparatchik, com-symp, comrade, fellow traveler,member of the Communist Party, pinko,sympathizer.
i think pinko are parents died and he live in sos childeren village
The cast of Jesus Was a Commie - 2011 includes: Matthew Modine as John Doe
to be an a assistant of the chef.
I Led 3 Lives - 1953 Commie Photo - 3.25 was released on: USA: 1956